Dionysos cunnilingus mon amour!

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My hamster's name is cunnilingus
And believe it or not
But this guy tends to think he's a man
I wonder how he does it
Who comes whisper to him
Cunnilingus my love
They fall in love with him
It doesn't surprise him
And they get up at night
To be perfumed
Between their pretty fingers
Ah how he loves to hang from his bars
To make people believe that he really is
The great king of pectorals
The problem it's because he would like us to love him
As if he were really a man
To whom we would whisper
Cunnilingus my love
They don't care him
It doesn't surprise him
When he dances at night
As if he were gambling with his life
Between their pretty fingers
One night I pushed too hard © the dose of perfume for cunnilingus
Who thinks he is more and more a man
He began to lick her whole body
To wash himself because you know
We is never too flirtatious
He started to dance
That doesn't surprise us
Like someone possessed
But alas?
His alcoholic body
Smashed against the bars of his cage
A lot of blood flowed from his eyes
And from his soft coat, still very scented
A performance never equaled ©e
Not even by Elvis Presley
Michael Jackson can go get dressed
Go get dressed Micheal!
Oh ouch ouch ouch ouch
My hamster's name was Cunnilingus
And believe it or not
But this guy really thought he was a man