Elisabeth Soundtrack melk

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Elisabeth Soundtrack
WOMEN: Milk, we want milk
We have waited so long again
LUCHENI: No delivery today!
MEN: Everything for nothing , the jug still empty, without milk
Patiently waiting for everyone
Half the night
CROWD: Someone is tricking us
Someone is mocking us
Someone is playing a game here
/>See the elite
Enjoy luxury
We live in hell
LUCHENI: And who is all the milk for?
CROWD: For whom?
LUCHENI: Yes , for whom is all the milk intended?
CROWD: Say who
LUCHENI: Your own empress uses it for
CROWD: For what?
LUCHENI: Her bath!
CROWD: What?
WOMEN: That's a scandal
LUCHENI: A scandal!
WOMEN: I never thought that about her
LUCHENI: You would never have thought that about her!
MEN: Children are dying now that there is no milk for them
LUCHENI: No milk for the children!
MEN: Scandal that she bathes in it
LUCHENI: She bathes in it!
PEOPLE: And laughs at us
CROWD: What helps us to complain?
Let us drive away
What so oppresses us
LUCHENI: Drive away who oppresses us!
CROWD: Let us prove
To the palaces
That our uprising will succeed
LUCHENI: That our uprising will succeed!
CROWD: Murder!
LUCHENI: Why does the Empress look tormented
CROWD: Tell!
LUCHENI: When she counts the hairs in her comb
CROWD: What then?
LUCHENI: Then she mourns< br/>CROWD: About what?
LUCHENI: Her hair!
CROWD: What?
CROWD (first group): Time to fight
LUCHENI: High time!
CROWD: For our rights
LUCHENI: For your rights!
CROWD: We have been despised so much
LUCHENI: Don't let yourself be trampled on anymore!
/>CROWD (first group): Everyone is equal
CROWD (second group, in counterpoint): Bread for the poor
CROWD (first group): Those who feel too high for work
CROWD ( second group, in counterpoint): Justice, no mercy
CROWD (first group): Has no authority over us
And no power either
LUCHENI: Freedom for the people!
ALL : Brothers, be prepared
Start the battle
He who liberates himself
He wins
The new era begins