Ending Tyranny feat. Adamus Evanus continuous expansion

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Certainly the creation of
The universe was a result of greed.
Perhaps an implosion caused by
Two objects occupying the same location?
Maybe an entity far beyond our realm of consciousness?
Displaying aggressive behavior to fill a void?
At any rate, the universe is constantly expanding.
Forever, devouring more space.
Rather indulgent!?
When given an opportunity to flourish,
Organisms are surely greedy by design.
Spreading the seed to ensure maximum occupancy.
Displaying the unique trait to pollinate from miles away
When native habitat is defenseless,
The invasive species shall dominate without jurisdiction.
Spreading like wild fire,
With no competition for resources
It becomes utterly unstoppable.
Imagine a species devouring everything in its path,
Forcing native life to its demise.
Shifting, destroying the dynamics of the ecosystem,
Forever altering its surroundings.
Before intelligent life on earth,
Some form of bacterium must have collided with us whilst
Yravelling by asteroid.
Intergalactic transplant.
This alien substance given the opportunity to prosper. Multiplying rapidly, dramatically reducing native wildlife,
Voraciously consuming all food supplies.
At this rate,
Our planet may soon be comprised
Of organisms out of control,
Eclipsing what once was.
Forever altering the architecture.