Fernando Delgadillo cuento

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Fernando Delgadillo
A flower was born
Fragrant and pure in the garden of the sun
Under its pink petals
That trembled moistened
To the bold sigh of dawn
O sensation that is to bloom
And I speak the envy of another greater flower
Don't ever let the sun look at you
The proud star and the fiery dawn
Because you owe yourself to your confinement
And there is none worthy
To aspire your charm, your candor
Thus I tell you little flower
The flower grew < br/>And it was a delight from the garden of the sun
But sheathed in its cocoon
For doubt and pride
That tried to open the old flower
O temptation in the flower trembled < br/>How lonely and vain life was until today
There is nothing part of that voice and I
If everything is vain because I was born a flower
Because I am sad and transparent
Because my reason is shaken
Because I hear trills so cheerful
That they blush my efforts to protect myself
Virginal of sun, of sun
Then it was that the sun poured in waterfalls
Tenderness and a loving warmth
In the caress of his lightning
Warm light of a kiss in May
But at the same time it was the secret
That is told slowly
In the ear of my love
To you my flower
My girl pure warm song
Because I love you and the fears
That planted old flowers
In your chest they were lost
Little by little your tired and sad voice
Because I invoke the tenderness that is invented with my love
Because I want to bloom with you
Always in the garden of the sun