Fidel Rueda popurri que suerte la mia

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You leave for a moment,
you leave saying that you will return, that
you will soon return to love me more,
you leave, I have a feeling that everything ends here,
that already You will not return to my arms.
What sad agony to have to forget you, loving you like this, what luck is mine, after a pain to suffer again, what sad agony, after falling to fall again, How lucky I am to be so lost and lose again.
I don't want to see you cry, I don't want to see the sorrows get into your good soul because of my love.
I don't want to see you suffer, no I am capable of offending you if you know that until death I swore to be yours alone. If you did not find tenderness in my soul, if I only cause you sorrow, I am leaving my life, leaving your presence, and even though it hurts me and even though it hurts my heart.
You are leaving because I want you to leave, to I will stop you at whatever time I want, I know that you need my love, because whether you want it or not, I am your owner. I want you to go around the world and I want you to meet many people, I want other lips to kiss you so that you can compare me today as always. If you find a love that understands you and you feel that he loves you more than anyone else, then I will turn around and leave with the sun when the afternoon dies, then I will turn around and leave with the sun when the afternoon dies.