Hyperion DB 369 temple of life

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Black reeky marble ashlar Surface and Walls
Veined in the Shape of the Root of a giant Kosmos,
yet like Blood of the mortal Myself,
but still so different…
All-embracing, Joy and Pain, like Folly and Wisdom.
Lunar white Blueness in a Shrine,
Guarded by one old Man, one old Man with a blue Trench
As if he should catch the Drops of Rain
Disappearing in an unhewn Gallery!
Following the Call of the Earth…
Lunar green Separation in the Shape of the dualist World:
One for Folly, one for Wisdom!
Bleeding Epistles and Temples, taming Light with the Dark
And beholding the metaphorical Tongue of the Horns!
Unveiling the Whore of Recreation,
Nursing herself with her Childrens Blood…
She who kills Life will nurse the Whore…
and I leave her in this Imagination of a short Life.
Connecting my Veins to the Temples´ Marble,
beholding those who feed a desperate Shadow of Glory,
My Appearance returns to the great House of Death
wherein Life will be chained forever.