Iskra deep integration

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Deep Integration
The Western Empire continues its ongoing holocaust
Military massacres and economics fused into deathlock
Enforcing a free market that supports the multinationals
Globalization: a race to ensnare the world's resources
Using an undefined terrorist threat
To justify oppressive law and policy
This is the United Snakes new Cold War
Creating a climate of tension and anxiety
Sovereign nations forced into lockstep
Potential targets for economic structural adjustment
This is how the US threatens Canada and Mexico
As we near the final stages of total assimilation
A Canada-US economic strategy they call Deep Integration
The brainchild of that scum who brought Free Trade to this nation
These agents of exploitation advocate a vast rage of new measures
None of which serve the common people, only wealthy investors
The Big Idea a Strategic Bargain
Promising Canada economic security
In trade for Ballistic Missile Defense
And Canadian Homeland Security
The final deathblow for Canada, a pathetic puppet nation
Will we be prepared to fight extensive US exploitation?
A massive loss of civil rights and whatever's left of our sovereignty
They'll take our liberty, our lives, our freedom
Ten years of NAFTA and fifteen of the bilateral FTA
Our puppet politicians have sold us all away
Starting with Mulroney and his cronies two decades ago
A money grab for the rich in exchange for US control
The beginning of the end for any progressive programs
The green light for the right and their exploitive institutions
Enhancing capital mobility by hamstringing governments
A necessary step in the transfer of power from workers to management
A transfer of power from public to market; from wages to profit
Under the guise of a war on the deficit