JamaKanta best friend

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Empty way in the city of broken heart
Seems like an unknow place
I lost across the infinity space
Sky drawn of one hundred white clouds
Your eyes open me the door on sky
Maybe I don't know how
Call my name more strong
Now nothing it seems to be wrong
My travel will be not so long
Any place will be away
Each tomorrow will be today
Someone have listen my pray
Build our dreams while holding my hand
I can say please don't release me
Tell me you'll love me wherever you are
Let me fall in my sweet best friend
Your eyes open me the door on sky
Maybe I don't know how
Call my name more strong
Now nothing it seems to be wrong
My travel will be not so long
Any place will be away
Each tomorrow will be today
Someone have listen my pray
What was it song inside your head
I try to tell you
Take your heart and go away
Call my name more strong
Now nothing it seems to be wrong
My travel will be not so long
Any place will be away
Each tomorrow will be today
Someone have listen my pray