JJ Lin aries

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Zudzn mìng jin Ş©n ⺠Gang Gang fç Şang Şang fé
Don't choose what you want or zhòng tÃ3u
ZÇo with xiÇo ché shén mé zhò mé I zhù là guò
Who I am i xià yÂâ€Ââ€Ââ€Ââ€Ââ€ÂÂÂÂÙs what you want
You shà hou chÅting dÃ2ng Ã
Whatever you do />I'm not sure what to do with you
ShuÄing yÃn zhÃœng is my little zhÅ>zÃng
ChÃ3ng xÄ«n I'm sorry zhÃn shà de wú
TiÃn qÃng bùº d zù wÇ
It's good that you're zÃu
It's a good idea that you have the long zÃng chÃ1 fÄng
ShuÄng shōu zhÄing is one of the best zhÍng
you have ever seen. Shè duú from the ring wÃn shò
HuÃn yÃng zhà y fÄ wÄË d xiú d xing tà n suÃ
D n shén mÃ3
Xiéng or shìn mââé
You shō hou chén mò, I'm sorry br/>Some of the things that you wear
Whatever you wear, you don’t choose
ShuÄing from you you're my zhÅng
Zà i pà i pÃn and you're what I'm doing for you
Chón xÃn you're guy zhÃ> shTi wà den n qì dì dìng good liìo wÃ1
It's good you're good
It's good luò shò chÃng zù you fÄ1
ShuÄng shò zhÄing is the best thing you can do
or just to go with me
That's why I'm sorry for the wrong colors
HuÄn yçÃng zÃng sung br/>I'm sorry for you
When I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for you. I'm a little zhÍng
What's wrong with you
What's wrong
Hu Yang Zhong and Ching Ting Suo
When he went to XiÃn Shin MÃ3
Xiéng di I'm sorry
This is what I'm doing and I'm sorry
XiÇb d'o shé wn more