Julio Iglesias mano a mano

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I squeak in my sadness, today I evoke you and see that you have been
In my poor outcast life only a good woman
Your cool presence put warmth in my nest
You were good, consistent, and I know that you have loved me
As you did not love anyone, as you could not love
The game of remanye was played when you, poor percanta
You dribbled poverty in the pension house
Today you are a great person, life laughs and sings to you
You throw the morlacos of the otario to the marchanta
How the cat plays with the wretched mouse crazy temptations
Where milongueras pretensions triumph and give up
It has entered deep into your poor heart
I have nothing to thank you for, hand in hand we have remained
I don't care what you have done, what you are doing or what you will do
The favors received I believe I have repaid you
And if I have inadvertently forgotten any small debt
In the account of the other person that you have, you will charge it
Meanwhile, may your triumphs, poor temporary triumphs
Be a long line of riches and pleasure
May the coolness that acamalas you has lasting weights
May you open up at the stops with cafishios milongueros
And let the boys say It's a buena woman
And tomorrow, when your old furniture is out of place
And you don't have hope in the poor heart
If you need help, if you need advice
Remember this friend who has to risk his neck
To help you in whatever way I can when the opportunity arises