La Academia suavemente

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The Academy
Softly, kiss me
I want to feel your lips
kissing me again.
(Soft)kiss me, kiss me
(soft)kiss me again
(soft)I want to feel your lips
(soft)kissing me again
(soft)kiss me, kiss me
(soft)kiss me a little
(soft)kiss, kiss, kiss,
(soft)kiss me another little while
Little one, lie down.
When you kiss me
I feel in the air
that's why when I see you
I start kissing you.
And if you take off
I wake up
from that rich dream
that your kisses give me.
Kiss me softly,
without rushing and calmly
give me a very deep kiss
that reaches my soul.
Give me one more kiss
than my mouth can fit
give me a kiss slowly,
give me a soft kiss.
(Soft)your lips have
(soft)that secret
(soft)I kiss and kiss
(soft)and I can't find it
(soft)a kiss soft
(soft) is what I long for
(soft) a kiss from you
(soft) is what I want.
(Soft) I wonder
(soft) what's in your kisses
(soft) I try to escape
(soft) and I feel imprisoned
(soft)kiss , kiss, kiss me a little
(soft) kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss me another little while.
(Soft)kiss me, kiss me
(soft)kiss me again
(soft)I want to feel your lips
(soft)kissing me softly ,
(soft) tenderly,
(soft) affectionately,
(soft) sweetly, kiss me a lot
without haste and calmly
that I want feel your lips kissing me again.