Oxmo Puccino le mal que je n ai pas fait

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It's true
We don't do as well as that
When should we do it? how?
Something escapes me
Aware of what an act generates
I took a little upon myself
Take care of my revenge
In my corner I was considered a coward because
I wasn't the 11th to jump on a guy
We don't attack tough guys
No one likes problems
at the animal chain there is the beast
You are too weak
So we must forge this temperament
By retaining some after-effects apparently
Yet, every time I held back
The evil that I didn't do supported me
We do what we can
br/>No one is perfect
I am happy
The harm I have not done
You have to be positive
If there is little remorse
We have a reason for everything
Even a few deaths
My laws are other than those of men
Every decision is an ultimatum
Our dark side is a bad advisor
The worst things done are done under anger
It's like having nightmares under your pillow
Evil being the stock market we are its shareholders
You have to have been innocent every night
To allow yourself to judge anyone
Too much heart to make feelings
The pen is my sword truth my punishment
We do what we can
No one is perfect
I am happy
From the evil that I I didn't
Winning the war means becoming the enemy
You have to think about it before you take the bet
Not believing in evil doesn't protect you from it
Lighty people are full of pale flowers
Unaware of their evil potential
Their bad faith is a magnificent spectacle
Even in an average mood I keep the boon
For the mistakes not made I demand a Nobel Prize
You can go straight, people put you in it
You will pay for the evil that you did not do even while lying in wait
.. .You'll see...
We do what we can
No one is perfect
I'm happy
As bad as I am I didn't