Phony Ppl so much better

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They've got all of us confused
I know we could be doing so much better
We are in the state of unnaturalness
So I wear the hat of an activist
We are all the same
And they got our names on the blackest list
Money ain't shit
It's the way they package it
So do what you're passionate
About time that you realise that we can fly
Float your soul up and reach the sky
The universe has ears and eyes
It's watching you
What you say and what you do
It's way past due
I hate these things
They piss me off
They take our dreams
And give us jobs
Vibrations are way more than songs
Subliminal conditioning's involved
They've got all of us confused
I know we could be doing so much better
I've been stranded in the middle of a broken bridge
In the middle of the ocean where hopeless lives
But most of these folks don't know what it is
To be hopeless and regain hope as a kid
Ain't nothing to fix I'm as broke as it is
Another cut open a rope tied around my throat
Can I live?
'Cause most of us smoking and choking and hoping
That one day we'll be rich
There's too many coffins to be talking about your losses
We all getting sick
We slaves getting paid to these Corporates
Just pork on a flame to this government change
And the way we take off with this
I'm off of this
They've got all of us confused
I know we could be doing so much better
They've got all fo us confused
I know we could be doing so much better