Sami Yusuf ya nabi

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Wa á¹£alli âḈဂဃᘘala l-HÄ჈dÄ«, ḥabÄ«bÄ« jaddi l-Hasanayn
RasÅ«lÄ« maâĖჀზdanu lĢdi, ImÄĂmu l-á ¸¤aramayn
NabÄ«yinÄḃ khayru man yamshÄ« âăala l-qadamayn
YÄ âÄshiqÄ«n á¹£allÅ« âala sayyidi l-kawnayn
á¹¢allah the LÄḈḈhu âḈဈḈalayhi wa-ÄḈlihÄ«, wa aṣḥÄḈbihi l-mayÄḈmÄ«n
YÄḈ︃ NabÄ«
á¹ ¢allah l LÄზრhu âრဃიalayhi wa-ÄჃlihÄ« wa-âრჀრიala aṣḥÄრbihi
LÄრ mithluhÅ« âრဃკaḥadun, lÄრ mathä «la lak
YÄฃฃ RasÅ«lÄ«, yÄฃฃ HabÄ«bÄ«, yÄฃฃ MalÄฃdhÄ«, yÄฃ BashÄ«rÄ«
âAnir á¹arÄ«qÄ« bi-jÄฃ hi ṬÄฃ︃hÄฃ
âAtaytu ḥimak âarjÅ« riá¸Äk
á¹¢alli âala l’ AmÄ«n< br/>SayyidÄ«, Sayidu l-âḃဃᙡawwalÄ«n wa-l-ÄḃḃkhirÄ«n
YÄḃ NabÄ«
á¹¢alawÄḃtu lLÄḃh
Wa SalÄĂmu l-LÄĂˁh
á¹¢alla l-LÄĂĂhu âĂĂâalayhi
Salutations upon our Guide, the beloved, the grandfather of Hasan and Hussein
My prophet, the quintessence of generosity, the Imam (leader) of the Two Holy Mosques
Our prophet is the best of those who walk on two legs
O You who love him, send salutations upon the master of the two worlds
Salutations of God upon him, his family, and his blessed companions
O Prophet
Salutations of God be upon him, his family and auspicious companions
You have no match, no one can compare
O my prophet, O my beloved, O sanctuary, O bearer of good tidings
Enlighten my path O God, for the sake of Taha
I came to Your sanctuary, hoping for Your approval
Salutations upon The Trustworthy
My master and the master of the first and the last
O Prophet
Blessings of God
And His Peace
Be upon him