Suli Breaks feat. Petal crazy people will one day rule the world full version

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How would you feel if I told you that one day crazy people would rule the world?
What did Instagram see that Kodak didn't?
Cause Kodak at it's peak had about 140, 000 employees
When Instagram with only 13
Recently sold for about a billion
You know what's funny?
The scientist that Kodak actually helped develop
the digital camera that would eventually
take them out of business
So why when that was developing in potential was
the company stock still developing pictures
One of the worlds leaders in it's field at its peak
Recently faced bankruptcy
What would you expect?
I mean I don't condone piracy
But one phone call to my friend Jesse
And for about £10 and under 6 hours
I could probably have the whole of HMV on a USB
Do you know the 77
Ken Oson
One of the founders of DEC was quoting the saying there is no reason why anyone would ever want a home computer
See what these people have in common
None of them were crazy enough to believe they
could see the future
And see the future most people would say that makes no sense at all
But still go to Canivore and try finding it inside a crystal ball
Because most logical people we become stuck in their ways
Reluctant to change
Function the same when there's nothing to gain.
Forgetting, that all sky-scrappers were once just slabs of stone.
Google was once just a scrap of codes.
If you look at it from a
perspective that's logical,
The only true path to our dreams, is to perceive the impossible.
You see blue, I see red
Do you understand?
You see blue, I see red
Do you understand?
The world may call you crazy
But so was Galileo, so was Martin,
so was Malcolm, so was Plato
Cause a man would fall if he's unsure of what he stands for
Put your hands up to the sky if you have a dream
But right now you're on your grind buying other means
And you know for a fact
You're special
Finished school and ended up Trapped going mental
I know a couple kids lost in the system with credations
Such a shame the world sees Position not potential
Nana was really the best artist
I ever saw
But the manager always told her
Hurry up and sweep the floor
And Libby was so pretty
riding round so f***ing quickly
Ironic how dreams disappeared so f***ing swiftly
Almost everyday there's
transaction for our actions
Working to pay bills while subtracting from our passions
Is that the way life works?
Sacrifice now just to gain long term
Cause you never really see it when you stacking up the shelfs
You see blue, I see red
Do you understand?
You see blue, I see red
Do you understand
The world may call you crazy
But so was Galileo, so was Martin,
so was Malcolm, so was Plato
Cause the Wright brothers believed that
humans could fly
Which in 1905 would have sounded ludicrous to educate individuals
like You and I
Because only the crazy people embrace what others
Tend to fear
Standing on the corner with the sign saying
The End is near
I can bet you right now, it's not too far-fetched
That there's a kid in Shoreditch in an apartment
Surrounded by comic books depicting Clark Kent,
a box of cereal at arms length
Creating some kind of app that
will do things most of us have only ever seen on Star trek
What's the difference between the way people will see him,
And the man that's barely clean on the park bench
Mumbling to himself in the past tense
People call both of them crazy
Because they see what the rest of us don't
But aren't you sick at staring at new opportunities,
when you could be exploring them
Why be stuck in the past when you can hop in the Delorian
Mad men will one day rule the world
Because they have visions and intuitions
Rather than persistence in traditions,
decisions and inhibitions.
Dictated by intermissions
Still waiting to be commissioned
Everyday a new idea becomes probable
Rather than seeing all the obstacles
That's your opportunity to do what Angelina and Brad did
And adopted as many as possible.
All I'm saying is,
Don't be afraid to shoot for the stars
Even if the people call you crazy
Cause I ain't never seen anyone survive a war with
their gun on safety.
The world may call you crazy
But so was Galileo, so was Martin,
so was Malcom, so was Plato
Cause a man would fall if he's unsure of what he stands for.
R.I.P Nelson Mandela