The Bar Feeders 10 pounds of beef

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No shit this girl I tough I saw her eat 10 pounds of beef at lunch
She files her nails into little points and sticks them in, it hurts a bunch
I'd best lay low awhile should could turn up anytime call it a hunch
Cocaine and boots and eyelashes that won't stand fuckin' still
Olympic flirting medals hanging on her walls her room is filled
She won't fess up but she's a slut she acts the part she always will
All yer stupid poetry is worth shit it can't make up for you
If you could be a bigger bitch, I'm sure that's just what you would do
Everything about you makes me sick 0 I hate yer guts yer like the flu
This is the dumbest-assed game that I've ever played - It lasted 544 days
If she calls again tell her I'm gay