the cabs anschluss

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Drowning in a sea of u200bu200bpaintings
We always tried to make mistakes
The decorated screams, people that swarm together
No one understands the answers anymore
I gave a name to the flame of an alcohol lamp, and wanted to enjoy myself
In order to live with this body temperature
I left behind a meaningless film
Children laughing in the sand pit, your hair grows
Awaiting our execution, we think about things such as could we become happy tomorrow? without giving up
Is that stupid?
There is no ending to this movie,
The two of us died outside the movie screen,
A parade takes you along,
Affection doesn't get through to me anymore,
It does not get through to me,
Drowning in a sea of paintings,
We always tried to make mistakes,
You dance within the parade,
I mean nothing to you anymore,
Drowning in a sea of paintings,
We always tried to make mistakes,
The decorated screams, people that swarm together
I mean nothing to you anymore, and I can't cross over,
I cannot cross over