Tie all around you

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(feat. David Byrne)
My privacy
I don't know where to find it anymore
I looked everywhere and it's not there
I put it online but it didn't work. I found nothing
It's making me crazy
Lately I've been a little paranoid
I think someone is watching me
I'm sure they see everything we do
It's not God I'm talking about
My mother who watches over
The same as I watch over you, my love
It's that feeling of security
That the mother gives to her children
To be wrapped up inside her arms
That's the way it should be
If you watch over me
And you know that you want to
If you've got nothing to hide
You can sleep safe at night
Knowing I'm all around you
In my life
They can even give me a search and stuff
But no one knows what I feel
My privacy
I don't know where else to find it
In my life
Cataloged< br/>You can even give me a search and stuff
But no one knows what I feel
No one knows what I feel
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