Vanitas sammelleidenschaft

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Passion for collecting
I feel like I'm trapped in a killing jar
His empty eyes stare at me
I'm supposed to love him, develop feelings
/>as soon as I I himself, he hates me
kept in a collection box, surrounded by glass
in eternal beauty. alive but dead
he wants me alive but dead
you don't want to love me as much yet
as I imagined
but I'll still give you time
to learn what you like
You haven't seen the light for weeks
You don't need that, believe me
You have everything, you have me
Complain Don't, I'm here
You're not the first one
who lives here with me
My collection consists of many names,
I loved them all so much
they all looked somewhat similar to you,
they were all really beautiful
especially when they came to me fresh
I could never get enough of
it It takes away more of your strength if you constantly think
that my collecting creates suffering. Even you've known that for a long time.
You're playing the poor victim here, acting like a diva.
I'm happy to put you with the others. Would you prefer that?
You are so cold, my angel. You seem so tired.
Give me your hand. I'm here.
I'm at his mercy, dependent on him
This loneliness makes me sick
I'm cold, I'm tired
I have to get away escape here
this terrible silence