Wolf Lambert colourise

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As you know,
the House of Commons meets
tomorrow at 2: 45 London Time.
And I can tell you
that the Prime Minister
is being urged very strongly
not only to outline the recent exchange
between Hitler and the British government,
which so far remains a secret,
but he has today been urged
to tell the whole story
of the breakdown of negotiations
with the Soviet Union.
If he does tell that story,
we shall be in for further surprise.
Mr. Chamberlain has been told
that the Parliament will provide
a good sounding board;
that a full, complete statement
would convince doubters.
But he has no appetite
for personal government,
and is prepared to defend
Britain's actions in the open.
Of course, what he says will,
in large measure,
depend upon whether or not
he has received Herr Hitler's reply
to Britain's message,
which Sir Neville Henderson
is now taking to Berlin by air.
On the whole, I should say
that the possibility of avoiding war
has not increased during the day.
Government circles are in fact
exceedingly pessimistic.
But there is a general belief that
the strategic position has improved;
that Hitler is hesitating;
that the Russians may
betray the Germans.
You are already aware of
the reaction in Tokyo and Madrid
as a result of Hitler's retreat
to Moscow. We are not yet certain
of its full effect in Rome.
Italy still has only a quarter
of her army under arms,
and if war comes and Italy
stands with the Germans,
she will suffer more terrible havoc
than will Germany.
There is still hope that Hitler
may pause and think again.
There is still the possibility of
a conference. The people
with whom I have talked in London
today certainly haven't expressed
any optimism, but their spirit is better.
They believe the Germans are worried
and uncertain, if not frightened,
and that's a pleasant situation
to most Englishmen.
They think, rightly or wrongly,
that they now have the initiative;
that if war comes, they will win it.