Ange les longues nuits d isaac

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Blood of your fathers, adulterer in turmoil!
Cling your earth to the flesh of your fingers!
Blood of your fathers, adulterer in turmoil!
Tear your land from the hold of the false king!
O Night! You who wrap me in your fabric in silver night
O Night! You who take me far from the gaping craters
à Night! You who dream of me on a ruby-paper strike
à Night! You who force me to hold back the last cry
Have you seen the man in the pointed hat who weaves the Universal Weave with his eyes?
à Night! Tell me who am I under your scarf of truth
O Night! Tell me who am I before you go
à Night! Tell me, I'm dreaming of a ruby-paper strike
à Night! Tell me, can I finally release this last cry?
Blood of your fathers, adulterer in me!
Cling your earth to the flesh of your fingers!
Blood of your fathers, adulterer in turmoil!
Tear your land from the clutch of the false king!