Deformatory obsequium

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Lo and behold the author of your condemnation
The end impending we're descending deep within your souls
Escape evades you all, your fate we now create
Every pore of your humanity
Bleeds conformed to our eternity
The sun opaque, your forlorn solace now
Agony your sole companion
Immortal your enemy
Convergent futility
Eternal your misery
Obeisance is your reprieve
One by one we see them kneel
Before the one the infernal one
He who holds the spheres in the essence of his night
King of the kings, monarch of the damned
Saväel the uncreation born before the first inception
As the final star in heaven fades into perpetual oblivion
Alas, rejoice, thou art the wrath storm
I feel my innards rotting
See existence fading
Entity is growing
I obey thee
From decay, I awake
I transform into hate
To decimate
To vitiate
The twitching remains of my corpse
The fading pulses in my veins
The artifacts of their deceit
Obliterate my soul
Is the extent of my life
I pledge to extinguish the light
Orchestrating their demise
Disembowel and defile
In death's escape I take new shape
Conformed to dark, in legion I embark
Upon command of uncreation, lord upon the throne
Humanity, a decimated novelty
From what I see, nihility, here is the end
Chaos forms the reverie
Lost in human entropy
A vanishing light
Reaching forth in agony
This darkened progeny
Scribes the fate of man's eternity