Distance process of self destruction

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Swallow your traumas and prepare to rule
The world
Pain's not the main source of experience
Only the slow human process to destroy our soul
Embrace this Traumatic wandering
You thought you were
The Man of The Hole
You saw yourself as the most precious item
That rises from obsession
Flowing violently
Through the letdowns
Swimming in troubled waters
And whenever you reach the shore
The salts will have affected you
Strokes of success sailed away from
Tamed new pet
Of the shallowness
You've dreamed with her
Screaming from the bottom
Of your heart
Humanity's no longer based on
Empathy for you...
(A) Way to survive
Bleeding out the cattle
The path of your green god is
Full of sacrifice and lessons
The others will all learn
I'm chosen
I will rule the world
Is this the trial they deserve?
They're walking moneybags
Waiting to be plundered
Just cut'em
Poison them with your new brand tongue
Drive the rats to the drowning
With that song of yours...
You better step off the way
He's coming
He's gonna bleed you all
Like cattle
He doesn't mind
He doesn't care
Look at you
Made it to the top
Head by head
Everyone is under your feet now
Point your finger and conquer
Infinite loads of things
Now possess you
You're complete but still broken
Thousands of ghosts laugh at you while
You try to sleep
You try to live
Every morning the mirror reminds you
You're dead inside
You're dead inside...