Hubert Von Goisern es is wias is

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It's the way it is
only because of that is certain,
that everything that's gone now
won't stay put
when the sun comes back
and there snow runs away
and then your shoe
sinks in the mud
yes then you swim along like that
and it all just floats by
only in March , it's April
and then it's May again anyway
and all in all, it'll be soon umma
and the shadows are getting long
and soon it'll start again< br/>to snow
ahh... now it's starting anyway
whoosh! a sheet of ice - it's rattling on the outside, stay on track
yes - double goal on the left, and - bang
now one with the staberl
Make a toilet, prepare for a target jump
Wow, it works - 30, 40 meters was the one
aaaaaand by â best time!
well, it went better once< br/>but it doesn't matter - I thought about my knees - but wow!
I moan, I put myself in the hitt'n
for a Bernese sausage and a beer
yes, anything works In the croas
it was cold right now it will be hot again
and even though you're just sitting around
when the sun comes out again
and the snow runs away
br/>and everything sinks into a gatsch
in it
yes then you swim along like that
and you swim past like that
on March, on April
and on May
and all in all, it's going to happen soon
and the shadows are getting long
and soon it'll start again
to snow
that's how it is as it is
only oans that is certain
that I will remain seated
until it comes again