Krista Detor icarus

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© Krista Detor, [Cover Their Eyes]
Spent the night under the dogstar chasing my tail
All out of things to say - No one to tell anyway
And the ambulance sped down the road in search of a heart
Whose beating had stopped - A life interrupted
Statements were taken and solemnly filed in a drawer
I wish I had known, she said, that he’d go off alone, she said
And Icarus fell while no one was looking
We had places to go, and what could we do
He fell out of the sky, disappeared in the blue unending
Maybe it’s better there on the other side
I hope that it is, for my sake and for his
It’s got to be greener, she said, when they’d left with their lights
All gone on their way - Nobody to save today
He should have known better than flying so close to the sun
The wings couldn’t hold, but he never did what he was told
And Icarus fell while no one was looking
We had places to go, and what could we do
He fell out of the sky and disappeared in the blue forever
I could have saved him, I could have, just one minute more
Had I thought of it then, but you know how it’s been,
All this thinking I do lately takes all of my attention.
A minute has passed since the words dropped right off of the page
Nobody to catch them - May I live to at least forget him…
While Icarus fell and no one was looking
We had places to go, and what could we do
He fell out of the sky and disappeared in the blue unending
Blue unending … sea