Les Respectables plaisir

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Pleasure, who am I to run away from you
Could this be another lack of intuition?
Or the anguish of another disillusionment
I will always try to define you
Pleasure, should I run away?
So high, so far from your grasp
It's so easy to love what you don't have
But I'm coming, wait for me
Pleasure enters my home
Two of us, we'll get there
We all need to run away with you
Pleasure, take me
Tonight, wherever you want
We everyone needs to run away with you
Pleasure, come into my home
Save those around me
People so sensitive, too often to my rescue
Why suffer
To seduce you
What's the point, tell me
To want (you) so much
Yes, to please you
I have to hold back
I would have preferred
Never see you again
Past pleasure
Never found again
At the foot of the tower
In a old café
Meet at the inn
Like before
I'm coming, wait for me
Pleasure, who am I to run away from you?
Could this be another lack of intuition?
Or the anguish of another disillusionment
I will always try to define you
Pleasure should I run away?
So high, so far from your grasp
It's so easy to love what you don't have
But I'm coming, wait for me
Pleasure, take away -me
Pleasure, I'm going home, alone..