Osdorp Posse zelfrespect

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Osdorp Posse
Exit Osdorp
I know you.
Hey, I even know you very well,
because you are not that different from myself.
Everyone around you always seems so happy.
And you think it's because of you.
That you're the only one who feels shitty
because somehow you
will also have deserved it.
But the only difference between us is in self-respect.
That ultimately results in many more differences
than you would think.
If When someone wants to cheer you up, you close yourself off.
Because you cannot express your feelings,
you turn deeper and deeper into yourself.
Your environment no longer understands you at all
and let yourself fall.
Useless hatred turns you from bitter to blind.
You are ignored
so you think you are all alone in everything,
that you are the only one with feelings
and that you see things that no one else sees.
If only you could look with my eyes and feel what I feel.
A different view can give a different life.
Your environment is of no use to you
if you don't know what they can do for you.
Get to know them,
but don't believe everyone who claims to love you.
You can't miss friends who.....
You won't find anyone if you can't love yourself first.
Self-respect is the key to success,< br/>so stand up to uncertainty and stress.
Your only enemy is you,
negative thoughts will tear you in half.
So listen to the advice of a friend ,
and convince yourself that you deserve better.
Now you can pretend you don't care,
but I know you're listening.
You hide your fear and your weakness
behind a mask of indifference.
So don't come at all with that bullshit
you don't understand me anyway.
Look, I never did drugs
doesn't mean that I've never felt as shitty as you feel right now,
but that I've never been as weak as you are now.
That I never I have attempted suicide
not because I have never thought about it,
but simply because I always want to solve my problems and not escape.
The best solution is almost never the easiest.
Don't be a pathetic egoist
and show some character
and stand up for yourself.
Don't pretend that you only think you are stupid or ugly,
that only you cannot get a job,
that only you remain single,
that only you have a disability,
that only you had a difficult childhood,
that only you with problems in this entire world.
Wake up, look around you and be realistic.
Start by respecting yourself and then come....
Then the rest will take care of itself.
Remember one thing for sure,
you cannot get self-respect from others,
and certainly not from faith.
It starts with your own common sense,< br/>and from there you can ensure that the rest of your life turns out differently.
You won't find anyone if you can't love yourself first .
Self-respect is the key to success,
so fight against uncertainty and stress.
Your only enemy is you,
negative thoughts tear you in half.
br/>So listen to the advice of a friend,
and convince yourself that you deserve better.
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