Sergio Dalma norq

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It was the moon, it was the stars
it was the skin with new emotions
it was the night, it was flowers
being in the dark you could see the colors
it was the desire to be happy together again
maybe for a game we'll see each other and that's it
the moon wrapped, your hand with my hand
to tell us that this is a strange world
once upon a time, or maybe twice times
it was a sunset that disappears
it was a night with a single star
but it was big, bright and beautiful
and if it goes, you and I will go to the sea
so the waves can splash us
swim and play dead along the shore
we will check if the moon is yellow, yes
and while everyone is sleeping, it could be
that they are dreaming of you , in me
and while the dawn is clearing
we will contemplate the night that is ending
time will pass, the hours will pass
love will come and we will do it alone
just once or a lifetime
let's hurry up, summer is ending
time is passing, the hours will pass
I wouldn't want to wash away the aromas
on this night always so divine
it's a shame but it ends
o0ohh naranaranana
but it ends
o0ohh naranaranana
and everything passes and everything has passed
what a shame it doesn't I have assimilated it
although I no longer cover you with caresses
I will remember this night all of our lives
and if tomorrow I feel that I miss you
it will be because in my room I no longer have the heaven
I will have a photo to remember me
of when that night I repeated to you
time goes by, hours will pass
love will come and we will do it alone
just one once or a lifetime
let's hurry up, summer is ending
time is going, the hours will pass
I wouldn't want to wash away the aromas
on this night always so divine
which is a shame but it ends
o0ohh naranaranana
but it ends
o0ohh naranaranana
there are no more words on the album
a poem that I have never written
an adventure to remind me
of when I no longer have a way to talk to you
walking barefoot on the beach
wherever, wherever I go
every time I go by the sea
I will have one thing to remember
time goes, hours will pass
love will come and we will do it alone
just once or for a lifetime
let's hurry up Summer is ending
Time goes by, hours will pass
I wouldn't want to wash away the aromas
on this night always so divine
it's a shame but it's ending
(the chorus repeats until it's over, okay?)