The Meatmen turbo rock

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There's a good reason to be sure(I'm sure) At home, and at work, and play. All I freakin' wanna do is turbo my life away. I'm a pocket rocket, stick in socket. Riding hot rails to hell. Spitting, smoking, flaming, guzzling Soul's that already felt. (Repeat 2x) Well that was then and how Hot speed seeds to sow. Hung with the jacked-up gang. Novas and Shelby 'stangs. And rockin' 442 Yeah with yer flames of blue. We're talkin' monster time. For macho auto-crime. (Chorus) This is the '80's--high time for Turbo Rock. Catatonic speed-crazed cosmo jocks. Out on the badlands strip. Choice blotter acid trip Our pink slips with the dames Beelzebub's to blame. Ass ends are breaking loose. Headers a'belching Zeus. Just night and red-hot blocks Powerplants double-stock And then we'd cruise the gut. And pop a bitchin' nut. On highway 309 Chug brown props, eight or nine. And Wanda's head would bob Our purple shift ball knob. Those were the best of times, Now we're goin' turbo out of our minds. (Chorus) (Instrumental Break) Dash lights are screaming heat Hot rubber stuck to street. On demons, booze, and speed. There's nothing else we need. And major whiplash kick The Alpine jam blast trick Now night rides really fly 'Cuz we're goin' turbo out of our minds. (2nd Instrumental Break) (Chorus) (SFX: Car speeding away)