The Porridgeface the beginning the metal the end

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Metal is my fuckin' way of life
I live it 100 everyday
I am mettle to the core
Does not matter that you look the part
Does not matter how you dress
Fight hard with an iron fist
Stand strong with a metal heart
To thine own self be true
But for those who defy,
Is this the beginning of the end
Or the end of the beginning?
Caught somewhere beyond time
Out of my goddamn mind
From birth until death
I will always be!!!
My soul is set free!!!
Defend the bands who stay true
Spit on sell-outs, wimps, and posers
Death to wanabees and the hipsters,
They are the fake followers
Schooled in metal wisdom
Raising up metal children
Lyrics do not always make the song
Steely endurance, still going strong
To thine own self be true
Keeping it real
Playing old school!
Is this the beginning of the end
Or the end of the beginning?
Lost somewhere in time
Striving and winning
From birth until death
I will always be!
Repudiate pretenders to the throne
Fuck off, just leave me alone
I've had it with mall metal music
Bullshit breakdowns hold no logic
What the fuck has happened
To the music I so adore?
Scene saturated with utter droll
So many acts playing the fool
Where is the talent
Where is the old school?
It's the beginning of the end
Or the end of the beginning?
Caught somewhere in time
Out of my goddamn mind
From birth until death
I will always be
My soul is set free...