Time Grid emptiness

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Permit me to say some words,
Some words about a man I knew
Let me tell you in some lines
A modern tale that could change your mind...
This man was about forty-one
He seemed nobody in the crowd
Bound forever, as he thought, to the woman of his life
They met about five years ago
Philosophy, he professed
On the hall stairs he saw her
The sparkles of love in both their eyes danced
Ever since, the same path they trod
When together they were
Vanished, was the world around!
As the swallow leaving our lands for nowhere
Forsaking the winter behind
Their joy admitted of silence
As illness grew in her body
Hopes and dreams faded out with haste
As time elapsed, weaker and weaker
She tried to survive but fate ran faster
As she sank into an endless sleep
When every tears should have been shed
And every grief should have struck down
Torment did not strike
Oh, meanless times
In wich Man, denying his past,
Forsook with no back look
The power left in his hands
Led by his fear, being nobody's child
Man, turning instinct to reason,
Unconsciously carved his feelings coffin...
Time remembrances filled his mind
Instants of grace and peace
Flying in the clouds, led by trust
Life was you, life was us!
He felt that time for him had come to start his quest for pain
No matter what it's cost
Plenty of paths revealed to his mind
But amidst many choices
Evidence disclosed her face
He took the way of blood
He knew that the way he chose
Could not be traded back
The dice were cast, he saw suffering
To harves pain!
Brighter, was the path for violence
While darkened the way of feelings
The emptiness that came over his self
Threw him in the spirals of madness
Light fades, earth shakes, fire grows, air burns, night laughs, bolt strikes, eye flows voice cleaves!
Why did you die, taking my ming in the cold depth of your quietness!
A new sun arose
And without him realizing
His dark cloak weighed him no more
Peace had been restored
The ground gave way
But by the flow of his thoughts
He caught the meaning of his salve
Death had kissed his soul...