Tony Norwell me daughter don t like water!

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Tony Norwell
Me Daughter Don't Like Water!
My Daughter Don’t Like Water!
My daughter don’t like water – there’s no way she’ll use the tap;
School’s banned her taking fizzy drinks – it’s such a load of crap.
My daughter don’t like water – what is she supposed to do?
They’ve banned her mobile ‘phone – now she has to call me from the loo!
They’ve took away her cigarettes and banned her selling E’s–
Stopped ‘er eating junk food now and serve carrots and peas.
They’ve stopped ‘er wearing sexy clothes – even though she’s nearly nine –
Don’t know what the world’s coming to, when my kids have to toe the line.
They’ve stopped her bullying other kids – and make her do PE –
Expect her to learn to read and write and know some History.
They tell her black kids have a right to be in her school, too –
They try to teach that we’re equal now – that means me and you!
They’ve banned ‘er body piercing – say that it’s against the rules –
Make ‘er take out ‘er dangly gold when she’s in the swimming pool.
She ‘as to learn what others do in countries near and far –
Instead of learning how great the USA and the UK are!