Abdominal and The Obliques breathe deep

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Nostrils flare, air enters
travels down throat to centre
of abdominal region, deep breathing
feeding organs with much needed
O2. Pollutants exhumed on the exhale,
stress sets sail
from its dock in the gut, out the bay of the lips,
really stocked up with stuff, so make way for the ship.
Buffeted by treacherous gales, but the breath never fails
to replenish the sails,
plus provide navigation through choppy seas
to help prevent running aground on rocky reefs.
So breathe deep dammit, through the storms of life
until you reach calmer waters with a port in site.
Of course short respite before the strife resumes
but stay cool with the knowledge you can breathe on through.
Sometimes the waters of life get rough.
That’s why you gotta breathe through that stuff.
Well let’s continue on with this theme of water,
a keen observation is that you need to monitor
more than just the surface when you’re sailing seas,
‘cuz even if a storm hits and the waves are steep
go deep young man, like leagues below,
underneath the whitecaps to where the seaweed grows.
So you can see the whole picture,
the watery vista,
quick to shift the prognosis once it hits you that you missed the bigger
gist here.
Which is that when you plumb the depths,
it becomes quickly evident the water on the crest
does not represent the rest of the body,
‘cuz it gets much calmer below where its choppy.
Now that’s not to say that there is no movement
in the deeper fluid, it’s just a little less turbulent,
moving steadily with a self-assured current
and you can catch the tide if of these waters you’re observant.
[Repeat chorus X2]