Acda en De Munnik mis ik mij

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Acda and De Munnik
I miss myself
Didn't come here for you, uhmmm, didn't come here for you
even though I love you.
Why me came today, uhmmm, came to see if
I should be here sometimes.
I once left here, uhmmm, I once left here
with the fire in my step. Thought there was nothing left, uhmmm, but
my heart must still be here somewhere.
I miss me, I miss me but I'm on my way, I miss me , wherever I stay or leave, nowhere at home in my place. Either before or completely beyond it, wherever I am I miss me.
Always took you with me, uhmmm, always with me even though I
didn't know it.
Thought what I left behind was just my fear of not being a real wanderer. br/>Singing or not that's already false hope when I say it's not a song
I miss me, I miss me, I miss before or completely beyond.
I miss me, nowhere at home in my place or in front of it or completely beyond it, wherever I am I miss me.
Why I came today, uhmmm, I miss me or what
I left here.