Adi Smolar dvajset ljubic

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Adi Smolar
Twenty Lovers
I have enough irons in the fire, because I don't want to be alone.
And that's why I have as many as 20 lovers at once.
But he's wrong , who thinks I'm beautiful,
each one just drives me crazy and gets on my nerves.
One lover would like to change sex,
the other climbed on top of the old man and down.
The third one has lost so much weight that she is nowhere to be seen anymore,
the fourth is in custody, and the fifth is in an insane asylum.
Jojmene, jojmene, hey hataja ....
This one stinks so much that I'd rather bury it,
the seventh is as crazy as noè, but it wants to be right.
Osma says: Dnar mi yes, èe hoèeš z thousand spar!,
Ninth is so inclined that I would prefer to wrap her neck.
Oh my, oh my, hey hataja...
I have to admit, tenth really disgusts me,
First of all health, pol culture says and just lets him go.
I suspect that the eleventh has scabies and lice,
twelfth reminds me of a pile of fat and bile. br/>With the thirteenth ah tko al' tko nikol ni sèe blo,
On the fourteenth everything hurts and she has a bad temper.
I would like to become a nun on the fifteenth, I have nothing from her,< br/>The sixteenth is carried by the moon, who goes where.
Oh my, oh my, hey hataja....
I would rather give the seventeenth to a home for the elderly,
the eighteenth has been beating me since I was I met her.
The nineteenth meaning of life is a fight,
the twentieth is constantly pouring rum and pir.
Jojmene, jojmene, hey hataja....
I have enough irons in the fire, because I don't want to be alone.
And that's why I have as many as 20 lovers at once.
However, childhood is not a synonym for happiness,
a smart person only gets one quality one.
Smart only he gets a quality one,
but still sings:
Jojmene, jojmene, hey hataja....