Adi Smolar e svet prijazen bi postal

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Adi Smolar
ÃÈE The World Would Become Friendly
Nothing bad has happened,
no war threatens,
there is enough food for all people,< br/>no disease worries us,
no catastrophes and no accidents,
there are no more candles on the roads for a long time,
no more hatred, no borders
and there is no more misery and no more woe.
No more lonely people
and no more suicides,
no more crime, no more drugs,
no more abused children,
people love each other
and care for this world together,
they are kind to everyone
and blood is not flowing anywhere.
If the world would become kinder ,
but who would still read cajtnge?
Who would still read cajtnge,
if the world would become kinder?
if the world would become kinder ,
Who would still read Caitnge?
Who would still read Caitnge
Had the world become kinder?
Violence, theft, robbery, murder ,
greed, fraud, lie, prison,
dictionaries all over the world,
are still being printed for a long time without these words,
every person has a home, a family, peace,
br/>nowhere is there a fight,
no dishonesty, no injustice,
there really is no bad news.
If the world would become friendly,
Who would still read Caitnge?
Who would still read Caitnge
If the world would become kinder?
If the world would become kinder,
Who would still read Caitnge?
Who would still read Caitnge
If the world would become kinder?
Nothing bad happened,
none there is no threat of war,
there are no disasters and no accidents,
there is no more light on the roads for a long time,
there is no dishonesty, there are no injustices,
there really are no bad people news,
people love each other
and care for this world together.
If the world would become kinder,
who would still read newspapers?
Who would still read Caitnge,
If the world would become kinder?
If the world would become kinder,
Who would still read Caitnge?
I would be happy to read them
è the world would become kinder.