Against Me! unsubstantiated rumors are good enough for me to base my life upon

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Well, do you want to talk about it?
Do you think you'd understand?
How things can get so fucked up
With such good, such good intentions
And if, if roofs turn to sky, held by the gravity of nothing
An ironic and literal making of a bed
You know, you can walk away
But there is a reason to stay
They make bad, bad jokes, it's okay not to laugh
And for every push forward, you get the same fucking push back
You had, you had nowhere to go, so you, so you found some place
You had, you had nothing to say, you start lying
What the fuck were you thinking?
I'm not sorry, I'd do it all again
All the lines between hate, love, and revenge
It's just dead, it's dead, it's dead, just dead feelings