AJ Froman feat. Gerry Hilera freedom ticket

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Who is they?
I can't see their eyes, but I know they have irises tainted, tinted cotton green, a smoke screen, a demographic, and a following
Who is them?
I can't feel their skin but I can feel my skin crawl every time it's our skin they try to make us feel uncomfortable in‐ consolable, unfathomable attempts for control of your true self, source, soul
Desensitization, serious injury or death, fatigue and dry mouth, here to serve and protect you while you age in traffic, while you order online, while you watch T.V. cc'd and buried alive in isolation, false problems, false solutions
Your bones are made of diamonds, your blood is made of gold, they aim to limit the height of your sight, they aim to limit how deep you choose to go
When it's right you'll know that fear is the reason they make it all up
They want you enlisted, twisted, exploited, addicted, in debt, and locked up
Fear is the reason you do what you're told, but they want you dependent on products that kill, sell your pulse so they can buy another thrill
They feed
Transition without retribution, transition with LOVE
I have an inclination we can give it all up
Let go, we have each others hands hold
I have an inclination we have been through enough
Let go, knowledge is the path to growth and power
In each other we can trust