Alejandro Fernandez margarita

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I can no longer stand
with such empty hands
so many things I must do
and before dawn comes,
and if she is sleeping
I cannot rest
I will do it so that when I wake up,
she cannot forget me.
So that this long night
is no longer dark,
become big sweet moon
br/>and fill the entire sky,
so that he can return to me
his smile in an hour
sun shines for lama'ama
like you never did before.
And to see him sing
the song that was learned
I will build the silence
that no one ever heard,
I will wake up the lovers
and I will talk for hours and hours,
Let's hug each other tighter
because she loves love.
And let's run through the streets
and dance with the people,
because she loves joy
because she hates resentment
And with buckets of paint
we will paint the walls
long streets and palaces
because she loves color
we remember many flowers
who have no spring,
let's build a bed
to love each other if it gets dark and...
let's go up to the sky
and catch a star,
because Margarita is good
because Margarita is beautiful.
because Margarita is sweet
because Margarita lives
because Margarita loves
and she does it an entire night,
because Margarita is a dream
because Margarita is the sun
because Margarita is the wind
and she doesn't know what can hurt you.
because Margarita is everything
and she is, my madness
Margarita is Margarita
and now Margarita is mine
ah lola lola lolalo.
Margarita is MArGarYta
and now Margarita is mine.