Algos poisoned well

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A refuge from mental starvation
A moment of clarity vile
The rays of the sun
mock us cruelly
While its light has us down
on our knees
This comfort an illgotten garment
It wears down on us;
scorches skin;
A pariahs brand
The only haven we ever knew
calling us home
To a wellspring of warm suffering
And its smothering embrace
And its easy to tell, how to escape this hell
But in godless rays, it is easy to stay
Abysmal distractions,
We know how to feed, this consuming hunger that taints how we see.
The poison we choose to inhale
Our lust leaves us empty and pale.
Lost and found in
a maelstrom of nightmare
Merely tracing
my footsteps of old
That haunt me
on every new journey
For my past
has yet to unfold
And the poisons
I thought to have banished
Made me into
the fiend I abhor
The source of stagnation,
we sought to forget
Grew more vivid
than ever before
Wounds we tear open, for lives that are over
Yet sting through our skin.
A toxic confession, My poison obsession
This immoral question.
In lives where the choice is beyond our control.
Pass judgment on me, how am i meant to see.
Prolonging my suffering
As we drink from the fountain
The fever is what
Keeps me going
And a parts of me
worships its warmth
As I bask
in the torment of hardship
I endure and in weakness
grow strong
Is life not the sickness we wish to prevail
And death not the embrace we seek
Are my dreams corrupted or merely my will
The void is too barren, a future yet bleak
Drowning in chaos
As I'm gasping for air
Every breath
that I manage to take
Spells despair
I can't see
where I'm going
though I know
whence I came
My mold has been cast
Before I was born
my form had been
chiseled in stone
Illusions of choice -
At the apex of madness my visions grow weak
In a world of these stagnating tales of defeat
We grow tired of longing and failing to be
What we once were we'll never know and never will be
Dont waste your tears for us, we have failed long ago
Our graves will stand for those that do not fear the Poisoned Well