Ana Gabriel el gallo de oro

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Ana Gabriel
The Golden Rooster
Here is my golden rooster, challenger to the brave
when fighting in the palenques he has to win
I I play you wherever I want because I know you don't give up
when they look at your knives they start cackling.
He is Lorenzo Benavides, for me the best cockfighter
I gave my entire affection to him without condition.
And when fighting the golden cock the caponera forgot it
who dies wherever he wants, at the foot of a spur.
Here is my golden rooster ready to raffle his luck
I took away his braggadocio from the puliqué because he was brave.
here is my golden rooster, which has already won at the turn
whoever puts it up for grabs will raffle off his heart.
Here is my golden rooster, ready to raffle...