Ana Gabriel eres diferente

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Ana Gabriel
You are Different
I can't sleep
I feel like my crying is going to escape
because I realized that I
I'm not the type that convinces you
I can't believe
after seeing your face in front of his
I already verified the reality
that it is not me who you want, I assure you
Your smile was different, your look too
I thought I was in your way, I wanted to run
you forgot for seconds that I was next to you
and when I felt that you I observed, you wanted to pretend
I think we should end
I don't want to keep you with me
I feel that it is better for both of us
to forget our promises, without damaging the heart
I already understood
because by my side you are different
I am different from everything else
and now you don't want to, you regret it
It is the best
to leave Forever everything I've experienced
Look, I really love you
I ask you the more I want you to leave
Your smile was different, your look too
I thought I I was in the way, I wanted to run
you forgot for seconds that I was next to you
and when you felt that I was watching you you wanted to pretend
I think we should finish
I don't want to keep you next to
I feel that it is better for both of us
to forget our promises, without damaging the heart