ANDREA BOCELLI era de maggio

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It was May and they fell on you 'nzino
A snap at a snap, they were red
The air was fresh... and all the garden
It was full of roses a hundred steps
It was May, not me, I don't forget it
The song we sang in two voices
Chù time passes and I can't remember it
The air was fresh and the song sweet
And he said, core, core, my heart, far away go
You leave me, I count the hours, who knows when they will turnarraje
Rispunnev' I'll be back when the roses come back. ¡
And yes it's time and now, like a vote
We sang 'nzieme lu mutivo antico
Time passes and lu munno s'avota
But 'true love' no, I don't vote for Vico
De you, my beauty, I'll love you
Yes, I'll take care of you, let's go to the funtana
The water, there, no one knows ©cca maje
And the wound of love is not healed
It is not healed: it is healed, if it were, my joy
'Mmiez'a this air is embarrassing, looking at you I won't stay here
And I tell you, heart, heart, my heart, I'm on duty
May come back and love comes back, do what you want with me
Come back May and come back love, tell me what you want