Andres Mazzitelli si quieres entrar

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This is my place, my corner:
A place for one, maybe two.
It has no door or hallway
And the entrance is uncertain, for security.
Yes You see it half open, it's no coincidence:
He left it in case you pass by
And you want to go in.
This is your place, so much sun!
It's serene and it's warm, like you.
Your tea tastes strange to me,
But I love the strange and I remember well
That stranger at my door, smiling at me.
Strange paths are good.
I gave you what I was until yesterday,
Fit in those little ten by six boxes.
You gave me a blank book: paper
Which is like giving a meadow to a steed
I have run those meadows more than once
And I die if I stop running.
How does what has to begin begin?
The window is open and the cat is going to come in.
When I discover where I'm going
I will no longer be a man, nor a blur,
Not a handful of dust in a vase
Not a forgotten dream, not a goodbye...
This is my soul, my corner,
A place for one... maybe two.
It has no door or hallway
And the entrance is uncertain, for security reasons.
If you see it half-open, it is not a coincidence.
It is for you, in case you pass by and want to enter.