Andrew Lloyd Webber feat. Ann Crumb & Michael Ball at the stage door live

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ROSE (looking up at the posters)
Have I changed?
No, not at all.
You're too polite.
This face has had its day.
Don't be so silly!
Is it General Alex yet?
I hardly think so.
Two weeks without a script or camera!
I can't believe it!
And then another madcap movie...
With Monsieur Cocteau...
George is sweet.
He says I'm like his favorite Juranon:
Very strong and beautiful --
But hardly very sweet or subtle,
and not too heady...
His head must be extremely strong, then --
I'm drunk already!
What a life!
You're telling me!
What does Jenny make of all this fame?
Ask her yourself.
Do you think I ought to come?
My darling, you've become so bourgeois --
We'll have to change that!
The same old Alex...
I should be flattered...
You're never one to let a chance slip by...
I'll never understand you till the day I die...
I'm sorry...