Ange de temps en temps

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From time to time
Where does the feeling come from
To die of misfortune
From time to time
Where does the filament come from
Who binds each gap
To each his place
Life tires us
Of its life
From time to time
Where does the decline come from
From a gray past
From time to time
What does punishment do
Of the one who pinches
To each their place
br/>Life fouls us
With its dregs
Filled handkerchiefs
Withered books
Of senseless dreams
Golden balance sheets ©s
Colorful crosses
Crazy dreams
Wipe your feet
On the worn pallet
Of forgiveness
Wipe your nose
In the holey handkerchief
From time to time
Where does this snoring come from
Poorly lubricated engines ©s
From time to time
Where does this hiss come from
From rusty buccaneers
To each his place
Life fouls us
Of its dregs