Ann Vriend no stranger to love

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In all war there is some selfishness
If you’d give up what they’re after
There wouldn’t be a fight
So why do we argue so much, baby
In the war zone of this living room, tonight?
And when is it time to state “surrender”
Allow invasion, for the sake of peace?
And when should I stand up, bravely,
State my claim, despite what bleeds, and what still beats?
I’m wounded, as you are
At least I see some blood
In one hand, an arrow
The other, a sword
I’m no stranger to love
why do I cherish what I sacrifice
my flags, my laws, and oh, how I want my way
in all war there is some selfishness
in love there is a lot to give away
I’m wounded, as you are
At least I see some blood
In one hand, an arrow
The other, a sword
I’m no stranger to love