Antti Tuisku menneen talven lumet

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Winter has lasted forever
in between I wonder if it's over
I feel the cold focus of the sky's cannons
As long as I get to you
through the journey of ice and melt madness
I'll arrive when the snow has left
It's been winter forever
I'm going to find out the secret of it
See n the land of the forgotten
past winter's snows
I'll come back first
I'm still wading here, for a while
I'll arrive when the snows have left
Leave When there's silence
A snowflake to the ground I float melting
I won't make you happy if I go home
I'm not ready for that
there's still someone else living inside me, me ¤ I
I will arrive when the snows have left
Winter has slowed down
I hear the angels singing their hallelujahs
I got tired of winter then I explained it
If I got there I would notice someone else lives in its
heart, I don't
I'll leave even when the snow has left
If you let me come to your home, I'll make it