Assuming We Survive california stoned

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So it's round and round I go feeling to scared to let go feeling and
I'm to lost to find home because im California stoned
I'm not California Grown
But I'm California stoned,
I'm not California grown 4x
Hey welcome to LA where no one cares cares about you,
They just shake your hand fake a smile turn around and walk away
Because nobody cares cares what you do,
They just shake your hand fake a smile tune around and walk away
And it's round and round I go feeling to scared to let go and I'm to
lost to find home because I'm
California stoned I'm not California Grown
I'm looking forward to a good time coming,
I got a feeling but I can't feel nothing at all,
I'm looking forward to a good time coming so
it's round and round I go and I'm California stone.