Bad News masturbike 2004 remaster

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Fires of hell, doomsday bell
Prison cell, bloody hell
On my masturbike
See the cat, on the mat
See the cat, it has shat
Look out we're going to hell
(oh take me mama)
Eat my brain, go insane
Eat my brain, go insane
Ride the rat nightmare man
Ride the rat... pick up the fucking beat!
On my masturbike
Fucking cunt
What's that?
Fucking cunt fucking cunt
Spider is fucking cunt
Goodbye Radio 1!
Eat my brain eat my brain
Eat my brain eat my brain
(keep playing)
Anyone know the lyrics to this bit
(keep playing, keep playing everybody and stop complaing)
Hello Bill, chermobyl
I feel ill, hospitil
On my masturbike
(am i speeding up?)
(We've finished)
That's the end
(oh Sorry)
(you CUNT)